Brenda perez dallas tx

We are keeping you in our prayers to Our Heavenly Father. Our beloved cousin. When you have known and loved a cousin your entire life, this really touches your heart. Thank you for always checking on mama. We love you and you're truly missed. Prayers and condolences to the Davis-White family.

We Love you all. Brenda was a wonderful person and great teacher. She enlightened her colleagues, who enjoyed teaching with her. The students she taught are forever wiser because of her leadership in the classroom. I will always remember your smile.

Debbie Zimmermann. Brenda Joyce Davis-White. Memories Brenda Joyce Davis-White. Debora Young September 15, Shemi Davis and family. Tilda Young September 13, Our beloved cousin. Debbie Zimmermann September 11, Brenda was a wonderful person and great teacher. The Dignity Memorial brand name is used to identify a network of licensed funeral, cremation and cemetery providers that include affiliates of Service Corporation International, Allen Parkway, Houston, Texas. Dallas, TX -- December 31, , Jessica Perez was placed under arrest in connection with an alleged hit-and-run accident which killed Brenda McLemore.

Police officials reported that the initial accident happened on July 2 around p. Reports say that year-old McLemore was on foot in the 7-Eleven parking lot at the time. Security footage from the store shows a vehicle driven by year-old Perez running over McLemore in the parking lot, then driving away from the scene. McLemore went to the hospital with critical injuries, and she eventually died there.

Police investigations eventually led Perez's arrest. She was brought up on a charge of accident involving death. Reports say she has prior DWI arrests, and police say she was eating and drinking at a prior to the accident. There is no confirmation on whether or not alcohol played a role here. If all the details police have released are accurate, then it's good to see this woman's family can see some justice done for their loss.

That being said, certain details stood out to me in these reports. There were indications that Ms. Perez was drinking at a bar prior to this accident.


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