Bill stroud san diego

Each year up to five nominees will be allowed to be voted upon by all Past Presidents, and the runner up candidate will automatically be a nominee. Prior to the Stroud Banquet all Past Presidents will vote under a proscribed guideline of cumulative voting. The winner will also receive a lifetime honorary membership to the Club and a plaque recognizing his achievement.

In addition, for a great article in the San Diego Union Tribune about the Stroud's and the importance of Stroud Tackle to the San Diego fly fishing community, click here. He always managed to give me a smoking deal, which was important to a 15 year old kid. When he switched to flyfishing I stopped by less-maybe once a year or so to say hello. Somehow he always knew what boat I was working on or driving, and he kept tabs on my fire department job as well.

He was a kind and wise man. The lessons he taught me will last forever. I also went to strouds as a kid in the 70's - it was better than a toy store for me. I talked to Bill just a month ago as I was picking up some fly tying materials, and knew he wasnt long for this world. Even though I knew what was coming, I'm still sad and in shock of his passing. He and Eileen taught me so much about fishing and fly tying - Eileen's sand crab imitation is still my favorite pattern to tie.

They will be missed. Amazing and personal recollections, in particularly Junkyarded's musing. Very touch by the love. Wandering Blues said:. Show hidden low quality content. You must log in or register to reply here. Similar threads Upvote 0. Bottom Fishing out of Depoe Bay. Replies 3 Views Sep 30, TroutStyx. Budget Montana Trout Fishing.

Replies 1 Views Jul 31, JamesZ. Upvote How I Leader my Hammer Bomb! Replies 0 Views Mar 22, Scuba Chris. Bob Slamal - "Bob's White Fly". Replies 5 Views 2K. Albacore on the fly madness. Replies 4 Views 2K. Aug 23, Tunahead. Please join us at our Annual Club Banquet. But this banquet is so much more:. Socializing with our many old friends and establishing friendships with our newest members and their significant others.

This is a wonderful evening full of incredible food, drinks and camaraderie. Bring your spouse or significant other or just a friend. In addition to the awards we will have free door prizes!

The program will be VERY brief and the President promises to keep the event focus on socializing and having fun. No windy speeches blah, blah , blah.


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