Baltimore bikini contest

No Refunds on Tickets for Any Reason. Name of Contest. Competitor Number. Divisions You Were In. Your Email Address. Dumbells are NOT permitted in the pump-up area. Competitors are advised to bring exercise bands. Olympia Tan www.

Click Here for Tanning Appointment. It is your registration as an NPC athlete. Check the email you received after you entered the contest and the music upload link will be in there. If you cannot find your confirmation of entry in your email box, check your spambox of your email. If you have questions, write webmaster richsiegelman. Please also bring your music on a CD or thumb drive to checkin as a backup your song only …so we have it in case of any problem during the upload.

Vulgar music is NOT be permitted and will be grounds for disqualification. Posing music must be the only music provided and MUST be no longer than 70 seconds. Mandatory Competitor Meeting Contest Venue:. NPC Divisions:. First Responder Divisions. Armed Forces Divisions. Competitor must be at least 16 years old, and not over the age of 19 on the day of the competition. Collegiate Division Competitor must be taking college courses during that calendar year and must not be over 25 yrs of age.

Junior Division Competitor must not be over the age of 23 on the day of the competition. Masters Divisions. Xavier Wells 2. Anthony Woodfolk Lightweight 1.

Joseph Bastardi Novice Heavyweight 1. David Anlian Novice Lightweight 1. Michael De Vito True Novice 1. Daryan Blowe 2. David Anlian Masters Over 35 1.

Joseph Bastardi Masters Over 40 1. Gideon Funk 3. Joseph Bastardi Masters Over 50 1. Anthony Woodfolk 2. Joseph Bastardi Masters Over 60 1. Joseph Bastardi Masters Over 70 1. Frank Seese.

Amy Bowman Class A 1. Kathi Mcfann Class B 1. Alissa Lay 2. Jessica Cropper 3. Amy Bowman 4. Lila Bonnell Class C 1. Ingrid Rosales 2. Julia Jenkins Class D 1. Amber Blackwell 2. Cheila Esquilin 3. Stephanie Hare Novice 1. Amy Bowman 3. Stephanie Hare 4. Lila Bonnell True Novice 1. Alissa Lay 3. Lila Bonnell Masters Over 35 1. Amy Bowman Masters Over 40 1. Kathi Mcfann 2. Julie Zapf Masters Over 50 1. Stephanie Hare 3. Lila Bonnell. Kristy Hernandez 2.

Aimee Mejia-Oates 3. Skylar Jahangiri Class B 1. Ashley Omar 2. Lina Gomez 3. Steffany Jerman 4. Carol Ranish Class C 1. Marie Mulloy 2. Angela Turner 3. Anzhela Savina 4. Alexandra Antonio 5. Emily Mcshane 6. Heather Gillett Class D 1. Christina Friscia 2. Jeanne Wang 3. Tiffany Wooten Class E 1. Ashley Dabney 2. Hannah Scott 3. Neggy Shelton 4. Laura Hewa 5.

Kierrah Flipping Class F 1. Amber Suders 2. Catherine Yoon 3. Arlene Saenz 4. Christina Gedney 5. Kelly Nolan Collegiate 1. Arlene Saenz Novice Class A 1. Aimee Mejia-Oates 2. Steffany Jerman Novice Class B 1.

Neggy Shelton 5. Laura Hewa 6. Kierrah Flipping 7. Rachel Myers 8. Kelly Nolan True Novice 1. Ashley Dabney 3. Hannah Scott 4. Aimee Mejia-Oates 5. Arlene Saenz 6. Neggy Shelton 7. Lina Gomez 8. Laura Hewa 9. Kelly Nolan Kierrah Flipping Tiffany Wooten Rachel Myers Steffany Jerman Carol Ranish Masters Over 35 1.

Marie Mulloy 4. Dawn Granger 5. Christina Gedney Masters Over 40 1. Jeanne Wang 2. Laura Hewa 4. Tiffany Wooten Masters Over 55 1. Carol Ranish. Ryan D'Ambrosio 2. Matthew Irons Class A 1. Timothy Williams 2. Domingo Henriquez 3. Dario Grosvenor 4. Seyar Lawrin Class B 1. Toby Hernandez 2. Michael Mayers 3. Michael Smith 4. Evan Fan Class C 1.


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