Austin pinnacle campus
Continuing Education Take noncredit classes to learn a new job, upgrade a skill, advance your career, or improve your English. Explore all Programs. In the Spotlight. Get the classes you want and need. Current and returning students can register now for spring!
Follow a few simple steps now and see how much money you can get for college. Get the help you need: in-person or online from FREE tutoring to advising and more. ACC has the core credits you need to transfer to a four-year university.
Register now! There's more financial support this semester than ever before. Apply today! The hill where the building is located stands 56 feet above nearby US Highway Originally named The Pinnacle, this building stands at feet above sea level.
That is about feet higher than downtown Austin, giving it the distinction of Austin's highest elevation skyscraper above sea level.
Austin Community College moved into the building in Originally developed as a commercial office tower this building was Austin's only skyscraper to have a rooftop helipad. Do you need more information about this building and its related companies? More Information. Location Main Address. Address as text. Technical Data Height tip.
Height architectural. Floors above ground. Construction start. March ACC announces it will close Pinnacle Campus in summer to evaluate needed repairs, renovations, and possible expansions on site. Closing Remarks. November ACC announces dates and times for two Community Conversation events to share information and get feedback about the future of Pinnacle.
The conversations will explore what a future campus on the Pinnacle Campus property will look like. ACC will share information about the districtwide Campus Master Planning process and invite the community to share ideas and provide feedback.
There are 49 acres of current green space at Pinnacle that are designated for future college development. The conversations will be held December 2 and December 3. They are free and open to the public. Read more. The college hired the Austin office of commercial real estate firm CBRE to broker the sale, learn what the property is worth, and get real data to inform a long-term decision. The college has since evaluated bids and made a recommendation to the Board of Trustees to dismiss all current offers.
Dates, times, locations to be determined. The remaining 49 acres at the Pinnacle Campus site would not be available for purchase. Once bids are received, the college will evaluate its options and make a decision to accept a bid or develop a different long-term plan for the use of the building and the entire property. The process is expected to take close to a year.
Revenue from the potential sale would be reinvested into the southwest region including the possible development of a new ACC campus on the property. Visit the CBRE website for more information on the bid process or to register your interest in the property. During its regular meeting Monday, April 1, the ACC Board of Trustees approved a resolution declaring the building as surplus property and authorizing the college to post the building for sale.
The remaining 49 acres, current green space, would not be available for purchase. April Summer classes have been rescheduled to nearby campuses.